Friday, January 15, 2010

Llama Readers Missing Mama!

Sorry about the absence! I understand that this can happen to bloggers from time to time though. We had a wonderful holiday, a boring New Year, and a few even more boring weekends after that. But now I'm back!

I've made quite a few resolutions this year, and suprisingly I haven't slacked off on any of them yet! Here we go:

(1)Getting healthy - I've joined a gym and have been going everyday during the work week. I'm trying to get into running and so far it hasn't sucked. I'm doing the C25K program and it hasn't gotten hard yet. Soon I'm sure. I had a few free sessions with a personal trainer and I'll give her program a try too.

(2)Save $$$ - I re-set-up our budget spreadsheet to track our spending and I've been clipping coupons. We need to save some serious money and put it to work for us or we'll never be homeowners again. I really just don't know how people are buying houses these days. We want to do it the right way, put down at least 20%, and not be house-poor. We just want to be responsible.

(3)Be beautiful - I've been flossing and using mouthwash everyday, brushing twice a day, I've even been to the dentist already. I do have two cavities that will get fixed and then never again. I'm kinda mad at myself because it's going to cost a lot of money to get those cavities filled. See #2 above. I've also been putting on lotion after my shower which leads me to my biggest obsticle of all: showering everyday. I don't have this one down 100%, but there have been great strides. Getting dressed everyday is another thing to work on. Showering and putting on clean pj's doesn't count.

(4)Take care of the house - This has been a great failure so far. Honestly, I don't think the house has been cleaned at all in the new year.

(5)Quilting - This has also been a failure. I need to make time for my projects and start getting stuff done!

(6)Call my grandma once a month - She's old. She's lonely. And I'm a crappy granddaughter. The least I can do is call every once in awhile and check in.

I just started re-reading the post and saw my claim that I haven't failed on any of my resolutions yet.

(7)Be honest with myself about my resolutions and how they're coming along.

(8)Blog - This blog is also a resolution. I really want to stick with this and get my feelings and perspectives out there. Being a mom is the hardest thing I've ever done and it just begs to be written about. The joys, the concerns, the messes.

I just thought of another one and it's really sad that it's #9.

(9)Have sex with DL - Once a week, minimum. I've told him that I will never turn him down. No one likes to be rejected. It's hard for me to initiate, but I need to get over that. If we're ever going to have another baby, we need to have sex. I'm really sad that things have gotten so bad. :(

I really should have one more to make it an even ten... I feel like it should have to do with LL, but really all I do everyday is already about him. Hmmm... I'm a pretty good friend, I think. I guess you can always improve. But now I'm just thinking of something to have it there. My heart isn't into it. I can always add to the list if I come up with something good.

So. I'm going to do an extended post about each resolution, coming soon. Gotta get my thoughts all in order. Does everyone have as many thoughts swirling around as I do?? I could go crazy sometimes.

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