Friday, November 6, 2009

Crazy vs. Smart

I understand there's a wide range to how people feel about H1N1 and the vaccine. I haven't decided how I feel but I have a friend who definitely HAS. I can't tell if she's crazy or if she'll be considered smart once the world starts ending because of H1N1.

A local clinic got some of the vaccines and she was able to get appointments for her husband and her year-old son to get one. Her husband is a health professional and the age of her son obviously put them on the short list to get a vaccine. My friend? Not so much. Not to be left out, she LIED and said that she is pregnant. Her defense: they plan to try for another baby this winter. This already smells a little crazy.

Next she calls to schedule an appointment for her son to get his booster vaccine. The clinic is now out of the vaccine and they will not be able to give him his second dose. So she hunts down another clinic that does have it. They're only giving it to their existing patients. Logically, she signs him up for an appointment so that he will now be an existing patient and will be able to get the vaccine. Ok, so she's going to use up an appointment and waste the doctor's time because her son is perfectly healthy. Some sick kid isn't going to be seen at that time.

I agree that it was poor planning on the part of her clinic to not have the booster available for children who had received the first shot. In addition to her scheming and lying, she's contacted our local news stations to "report" her clinic. I just don't know.

Crazy or smart?

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I randomly came across your blog as I was blog hopping while taking a break from cleaning my kids' bedroom. I just had to chime in on the whole crazy vs. smart issue. My vote is crazy. I'm not a believer in the vaccine but that aside, I think her actions are a way extreme and bordering on crazy. Your point about taking up a sick child's appointment and wasting the doctor's time is right on.

    Take care and keep up the cute blog. Your little llama is adorable! :)

