Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We're about to have a serious toy problem here...

LL's first birthday party is this Saturday. One set of my in-laws can't make it to the party so my mother-in-law emailed me that she had ordered presents. So everyday this week a big box from Amazon has shown up at our doorstep bearing large, noisey, many-pieced, space-sucking toys. I really appreciate their generocity. I really do. And if it were just these toys, it'd be fine.

But I know what DL and I got him. Not a lot, but... enough.

Then there's my mother. She just retired from her goverment job she's held for over 30 years. A few times a week she calls and tells me about "a couple things" she picked up for LL. He's her only grandchild. It's his first birthday. I get it. I've been trying to tell her, very nicely, that it sounds like she's gotten him plenty already.

And this is all before we even have the party! Just a little something else to think about: Christmas is just a month away...

I'm thinking Toys For Tots will be getting a big donation from this family!

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