Monday, November 16, 2009

NOT Me Monday

I'm excited to play!

It is NOT me who still has 5 boxes in our guest room to unpack from our recent move. I promptly unpacked everything because if we haven't used it in the last 6 weeks, we probably don't need it!

Today, I am definitely NOT letting LL take a second nap at 5pm just so I don't have to deal with his grouchiness until bedtime. I understand that all young children need to transition from two naps to one, and that this is healthy and normal. I am NOT clinging to two naps because it gives me more time to myself during the day!

I am also NOT comtemplating dumping an entire lasagna from my mother-in-law because it's not as good as what DL can make. Free food is always welcome and I am certainly NOT ever a snob about it!


  1. Mama Llama---LOVE YOU!!!! We too are a family of llamas! For whatever reason, several years ago at an Early Childhood conference, my youngest son calls me to say he loves his Mama Llama! I bought two copies of Is Your Mama A Llama and a mama llama and baby llama and we've been llamas ever since:) Come visit me!

  2. Visiting from MckMama's!

    I completely agree with your sentiments that if you haven't used the stuff in six weeks, you probably don't need it. Maybe you can donate to charity (and get a nice tax break on it)??

