Thursday, November 12, 2009

My house looks like a daycare...

Seriously. I think you could throw five more kids into our living room and it wouldn't get any messier. It looks like Toys R US threw up in here! The big 1st birthday is coming up soon too (party in 9 days!). I think that means a whole new batch of toys will be coming to live with us. I KNOW we need to pack up some of this stuff and store it for future llamas, but LL really does play with it all. Hence, the yard-sale-like spread of toys on my floor.

In other news...

I'm an aunt (again)! We got a new little Niece Llama last Friday and there will be a Nephew Llama born via c-section this afternoon! These are DL's sister's new babies. I can talk about this here because this is MY blog, but these babies were BOTH due right around LL's birthday. And everyone thought it would be "so cool" if the three of them had the same birthday. Um, no! My little guy deserves is own day. His own week preferrably. And now he has it! Niece Llama came three weeks early due to high blood pressure and Nephew Llama is breech. Phew! I had to keep my resentment to myself for all these months!

My butt is doing better. I can sit down if I'm careful and try to keep most of my weight on the "good cheek". My bruise is looking awesome though. I probably look at it in the bathroom mirror about 10 times a day. I want to feel back to normal, but I'll be sad when that bruise is gone.

I'm thinking of taking up running. It's getting cold and we'll have 14 feet of snow on the ground soon, so perfect timing, right?! I think it would be great to say "I'm a runner". What if I could run some kind of race?! What if I could run a marathon someday! I could get a medal for finishing the race, and a t-shirt! And what if I got a runner's body?! That would be kick-ass. But the only time I think I could get out there would be after LL is in bed for the night. That would cut into my time with DL. Plus, it gets dark out at 5pm now. I'd be running in the dark. I don't know. It's been on my mind though.

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